I was asked by a partner how he could adjust his table structure. He needed to check if a char field is available and adjust its size to a minimum of 40 characters. So I came up with this script:
declare @tbname string; declare @fieldname string; declare @fieldsize integer; declare @col cursor as select * from system.columns where name like @fieldname and parent like @tbname; declare @sql string; @tbname='mytable'; @fieldname='myfield'; @fieldsize=40; open @col; if fetch @col then --column exists, check size if @col.field_length<@fieldsize then @sql='alter table ['+@tbname+'] alter column ['+@fieldname+'] '+ '['+@fieldname+'] CHAR('+cast(@fieldsize as sql_char)+')'; endif; else --column does not exist @sql='alter table ['+@tbname+'] add column '+ '['+@fieldname+'] CHAR('+cast(@fieldsize as sql_char)+')'; endif; close @col; if @sql is not null then execute immediate @sql; endif;
If you want to be more flexible, initialize the variables with parameters (Delphi example):
//... query.sql.Add('@tbname=:tbname;'); query.sql.Add('@fieldname=:fieldname;'); query.sql.Add('@fieldsize=:fieldsize;'); //...
If you want to use it in multiple tables or for multiple fields, simply put it into a User Defined Function (UDF):
Create Function AdjustCharField(tablename string, fieldname string, fieldsize integer) returns logical begin declare @tbname string; declare @fieldname string; declare @fieldsize integer; declare @col cursor as select * from system.columns where name like @fieldname and parent like @tbname; declare @sql string; @tbname=tablename; @fieldname=fieldname; @fieldsize=fieldsize; open @col; if fetch @col then --column exists, check size if @col.field_length<@fieldsize then @sql='alter table ['+@tbname+'] alter column ['+@fieldname+'] '+ '['+@fieldname+'] CHAR('+cast(@fieldsize as sql_char)+')'; endif; else --column does not exist @sql='alter table ['+@tbname+'] add column '+ '['+@fieldname+'] CHAR('+cast(@fieldsize as sql_char)+')'; endif; close @col; try if @sql is not null then execute immediate @sql; endif; return true; catch all return false; endtry; end;
Now you can use this function for example in a script:
if AdjustCharField('mytable','myfield',40) then select 'success' from system.iota; else select 'failed' from system.iota; endif;
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