Recently there has been a posting in the Advantage newsgroups ( that inspired me to write this blog post. A user asked on how he could load from a text file. Weiterlesen
Schlagwort: Delphi
Inspired by a question in the Advantage Database Forum I’ve extracted some functions from the Advantage Delphi Client Kit to get the version numbers. Weiterlesen
The Advantage client Engine 10.1 introduced new API calls. One of them, AdsConnect101, can connect to a database using a connection string rather than setting the connection options one by one.
UNSIGNED32 AdsConnect101( UNSIGNED8 *pucConnectString, ADSHANDLE *phConnectOptions, ADSHANDLE *phConnect);
TAdsConnection is able to hook into such a connection, either by setting the ConnectionHandle (TAdsConnection.SetHandle) or by creating a new component based on that ConnectionHandle (TAdsConnection.CreateWithHandle, TAdsConnection.CreateFromHandle). Weiterlesen